
Nrs Interlocal Agreement

The NRS Interlocal Agreement: A Comprehensive Guide for Local Governments

As the world becomes increasingly more interconnected, local governments are turning to interlocal agreements to streamline operations, share resources, and pool expertise. The Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) Interlocal Agreement is one such tool that enables two or more local governments to enter into an agreement for the benefit of their respective communities.

In this article, we’ll take an in-depth look at the NRS Interlocal Agreement and explore how it can be used by local governments to enhance service delivery, reduce costs, and foster collaboration.

What is the NRS Interlocal Agreement?

The NRS Interlocal Agreement is a legal document that allows local governments to partner together to achieve a common goal. The agreement outlines the terms and conditions of the partnership, including the roles and responsibilities of each party, the scope of the partnership, and the duration of the agreement.

The NRS Interlocal Agreement is governed by Nevada law, which specifies the procedures for creating, amending, and terminating interlocal agreements. The agreement must be approved by the governing bodies of each participating local government and filed with the Nevada Secretary of State.

Why Use the NRS Interlocal Agreement?

Local governments can use the NRS Interlocal Agreement for a variety of purposes, including:

1. Sharing resources

Local governments can share resources such as equipment, personnel, and facilities through an interlocal agreement. This can help them to reduce costs, increase efficiency, and improve service delivery.

2. Pooling expertise

Local governments can pool their expertise through an interlocal agreement. This can help them to develop new programs, improve existing services, and solve complex problems.

3. Coordinating services

Local governments can use an interlocal agreement to coordinate services such as emergency management, public safety, and transportation. This can improve community resilience, reduce response times, and enhance public safety.

4. Partnering on projects

Local governments can partner on projects such as infrastructure development, economic development, and environmental management through an interlocal agreement. This can help them to leverage funding, share risks, and achieve common goals.

How to Create an NRS Interlocal Agreement

Local governments can create an NRS Interlocal Agreement by following these steps:

1. Identify the partners

Local governments should identify the partners they wish to work with and determine if an interlocal agreement is the best way to achieve their goals.

2. Develop the agreement

Local governments should develop the NRS Interlocal Agreement by outlining the scope of the partnership, the roles and responsibilities of each party, and the terms and conditions of the agreement.

3. Get approval

Local governments should obtain approval for the NRS Interlocal Agreement from the governing bodies of each participating local government. This may include a public hearing and a vote by the governing body.

4. File the agreement

Local governments should file the NRS Interlocal Agreement with the Nevada Secretary of State. This document should be signed by each participating local government and notarized.


The NRS Interlocal Agreement is a valuable tool for local governments looking to enhance service delivery, reduce costs, and foster collaboration. By pooling resources, expertise, and services, local governments can achieve common goals more efficiently and effectively. If you are considering an interlocal agreement, it’s important to understand the process for creating one and the benefits it can provide to your community.

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