
Victorian Allied Health Enterprise Agreement 2016

The Victorian Allied Health Enterprise Agreement 2016: An Overview

The Victorian Allied Health Enterprise Agreement 2016 is an important document that outlines the terms and conditions of employment of allied health professionals working in the Victorian public health system. The agreement was negotiated between the Victorian Government and the Australian Health Services Union (Victorian Allied Health Professionals Branch), which represents allied health professionals in the state.

The agreement covers a wide range of issues related to employment, including salary, workload, working hours, and professional development. It also includes provisions related to workplace health and safety, discrimination and harassment, and dispute resolution.

One of the key features of the Victorian Allied Health Enterprise Agreement 2016 is the pay increase for allied health professionals. The agreement provides for a new classification and salary structure, which significantly increases the base salary for many allied health professionals. This is a major win for allied health professionals who have long argued that their pay scales did not reflect their qualifications and experience.

The agreement also addresses workload and working hours. Under the agreement, allied health professionals will be provided with workload management tools that will help them to manage their workload and ensure that they are able to provide high-quality care to their patients. It also includes provisions to ensure that allied health professionals are not required to work excessive hours, which can lead to burnout and fatigue.

Another important aspect of the Victorian Allied Health Enterprise Agreement 2016 is the provision for professional development. The agreement provides for dedicated time and resources for allied health professionals to undertake professional development activities. This is crucial for maintaining and enhancing the skills and knowledge of allied health professionals, which ultimately benefits patients.

In addition, the agreement includes provisions related to workplace health and safety. Allied health professionals will be provided with appropriate equipment and training to ensure that they are able to work safely and effectively. The agreement also includes provisions related to discrimination and harassment, which aim to provide a safe and respectful workplace for all allied health professionals.

Finally, the Victorian Allied Health Enterprise Agreement 2016 includes provisions related to dispute resolution. The agreement provides for a range of dispute resolution mechanisms, including conciliation, mediation, and arbitration, to ensure that any disputes between allied health professionals and their employer can be resolved quickly and effectively.

Overall, the Victorian Allied Health Enterprise Agreement 2016 is an important document that outlines the terms and conditions of employment for allied health professionals in the Victorian public health system. The agreement addresses a range of issues related to employment, and provides significant benefits for allied health professionals, including higher pay, workload management tools, professional development opportunities, and a safe and respectful workplace.

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